Monday, May 19, 2014

26 Weeks

Disclaimer: I was mad when taking this picture so it's kind of blah. Don't ask why I was mad cause I can't remember but I know I was gritting my teeth while smiling. 

How far along?
26 Weeks Total weight gain: 23ish pounds. I am now at my weight I was at when I began Weight Watchers almost 4 years ago. It's kind of scary because up until now, i've been the weight I was previously. Now this is uncharted territory. However, my girls are growing well so I need to suck it up. Maternity clothes? I had a few days where I couldn't find anything that fit right. I'm still trying to squeeze into my dresses and while some work, some just DON'T. I did wear a cute non-maternity shirt to the FL GA Line concert that i liked this week. Picture at the bottom. Stretch marks? No but I do have this weird little area on my belly towards the top that kind of feels numb and burns sometimes. That's weird. Sleep: Great sleep this week. I have found the perfect pillow/cover ratio and God Bless Renan for putting up with me having a small fort surrounding me in bed. Best moment this week: FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE CONCERT!! We had aisle seats in the middle section and my awesome sister in law was able to get us VIP Parking. If you go to a concert preggo, that is the way to go. I am a huge country music fan and an even bigger FLGA Line fan. When they came out on stage, I forgot I was pregnant for a split second and started jumping up and down. The girls quickly reminded me that I needed to take that down to a small bounce. Me and Ren sang every song at the top of our lungs and enjoyed being there together. About 4 songs into Jason Aldean performing(Tatoos on this Town), Ren gave me the look like we needed to go. Well I was being a hardcore country fan and I wasnt ready! I was like, man, my husband can't hang!? However, when we did sit in the car to go, I realized that he was right once again and it was a good time to make the exit. Miss Anything? Being skinny. HAHA! Seriously seeing all those cutie skinny girls in their cowboy boots and shorts made me feel like a cow. Food cravings: No, actually nothing really sounds appealing. I will know that i'm hungry and need to eat, but nothing is like, I HAVE to have that. But don't worry this is not stopping me from eating! Symptoms: Not really anything new this week. Heartburn is gone, back has eased a bit to a managable level. Just moving like a Slowy McSlowerson and I am waddling I think. Anything making you queasy or sick: NOPE! Labor Signs: I was having a CRAZY intense pain in my left side in my flank area. I was so scared it was pre term labor, but saw the doc and everything was fine! Wedding rings on or off? ON but the hotter it gets outside, I feel their days are numbered. I really will cry. Happy or Moody most of the time: I was a happy country girl this week since I got to see my boys in concert! But i'm sure I cried at some point for no reason. Looking Forward to Anything? Not currently, but I am a gal that really likes to have "something" to look forward to so I'm thinking about some kind of Staycation that Ren and I can do. I'm banned from traveling too far now so I am hoping for some kind of Sun and Water Fun to be in the future. Hint Hint REN!!! haha!
My non maternity shirt and jeggings
Is he not the CUTEST ever?!

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