Monday, November 18, 2013

Starting with ART Fertility

So our first appointment with ART was SO overwhelming. We both got mulitple vials of blood drawn, ultrasounds, met with financial counselors, and met with Dr. Honea. We put together a plan to start on the drug Letrozol to help me ovulate better. The Letrozol was very easy with no side effects to speak of. I wanted to be as conservative as possible stepping into this because I honesly could not believe we actually had to be at a fertility just didnt seem that serious! Anyway, we took the letrozol and decided for 2 months to not do the IUI, but to give a "natural" try. When that didn't work, we moved on to trying the IUI. My doctor was not avaliable on the day I had it done. I laughed thinking that I could have just gotten pregnant with another man(the doc) in the room and my husband no where near me! haha After 2 of the IUI's and 2 failures on that, Dr. Honea brought up IFV. To me, this sounded so incredibly drastic. IFV was for people that had real problems. In our case, Dr. Honea said we have "unexplained" infertility. Everything is fine with Ren and all seems fine with me too. In my mind, this tells me that it will just prove the power of God because it will happen in His time and His time only. And I wouldn't want it to happen one minute sooner.....even if I do get very impatient. So IFV....Let's back up to 7 months ago when I started a new job with Weight Watchers as the Territory Manager literally the same month we started at ART. After looking into my insurance, we discovered that my insurance pays 100% for IFV as well as all the drugs that go along with it. This is basically unheard of. You are looking at a minimum of $17000 for ONE round of IVF if you are paying out of pocket. Can we say Blessing?? So because of this incredible blessing, we decided to go ahead and jump on board with IFV. I guess for us, it was a much easier decision to go ahead with it, because we did not have to worry about where the money was coming from. Sometimes I feel a little guilty about that, but I am Praising the Lord and counting my blessings.

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