Thursday, January 1, 2015

Conte Twins-5 Months

Holy Cow, this month has been a WHIRLWIND. No joke, it may be our fastest month yet. This month started off with a BANG, but not in a good way. As December opened up, my sweet little Everly developed a yucky little cough and was very snotty. Saylor also had a bit of a sniffle so I called the Doc to schedule an appointment. He confirmed Croup, but it was very early so they gave steroids to both gals and we were snotting it up for the next week or so but everything was ok!

 They weighed them at the Doc and my Evie was 15lbs and Say was 14!! Ev has always been smaller, but the last couple months she has passed Say Say. The end of that week, we took the girls to one of my very favorite Childhood memories, the Alabaster Christmas Parade. It was REALLY rainy that morning so we contemplated not going, but the rain cleared and we busted it to the parade. Because we were later getting there, we didn't get our usual spot by City Hall and the parade itself was a little slow and choppy. The girls did GREAT and lasted about halfway through the parade before they got super sleepy and fussy. We literally walked a few feet from our spot and they were already asleep. 

 The next week, I traveled to Atlanta for work. Our plan was for Mom and Dad to keep the girls, Renan was going to come with me and we were going to stay over for a MUCH needed getaway weekend in ATL. My Dad had some health issues and we were right in the middle of sleep training, so we decided it would be best for Renan to stay home with the girls. I was upset because Ren and I could have really used that time to reconnect a little. I wrote in a previous blog that we have struggled some in our relationship since the girls have arrived. Things are definitely smoothing out, but I won't lie, some days we are back to struggling. It truly is daily work to make sure we are putting the Lord first and serving each other rather than ourselves. We are a work in progress but I wouldn't want to work at this with ANYONE but Renan Conte. Many of you responded to my last post about the adjustment in our marriage since the girls arrived. It is good to know we are not alone.  We have a bible verse taped to the bathroom mirror to remind ourselves every day how to treat each other.
 "complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus" Phillipians 2:2-5
I feel like these words from Paul are very good for us to remember.  Ren and I are on the same team and we need to be behaving as ONE in all things....and it all begins by having the same attitude as Christ.  Whew, anyone else want to raise your hand with me and say that's a tough one to practice when you are exhausted and have spit up all over you?!?! Seriously though, we are a constant work in progress and that is OK!  

 Anyway, He stayed home with them and ROCKED it out of course. He is the BEST Dad....he dives in with both feet and never complains. Oh, and Mama had a BLAST in ATL  with my WW girls.  It was nice to be Nicole for a couple days. :)

 Another huge thing this month....RENAN IS NOW A PARAMEDIC!!!! After 2 years of busting his butt in countless classes, rotations, finals, midterms....He finished school and passed his Registry. I am both bursting with pride and relief. Proud that I am married to a man that pushes himself to be better and better. Relief that he doesn't have to be in class and rotations all the time!! WHOO HOO!! Seriously, Ren, I am in awe of you. You did all this while also being everything to all of us. I am so proud of you my love. 

 I feel like Christmas also came faster than ever before this month. I feel like I blinked and it was Christmas Eve. I was able to take the last 2 1/2 weeks off of work for the year and focus on Renan and our girls. We made Christmas goodies together and made ornaments with the girls feet and handprints. We were really able to soak up so much playtime together and it has been heavenly. Christmas Eve was a blast. We went to Mom and Dad's to wait for another of my Childhood Traditions, Santa on the Alabaster Fire Truck....well, they were a little late and the girls were literally falling asleep while wating for we had to leave. 

Renan and I were so excited for church that night. Being able to have our babies with us while singing beautiful Christmas songs to our Lord was the BEST!! We stole several glances at each other through the service and I know we were both just lapping it up. The girls were SO well behaved and they looked so stinking cute in their PJs!

 We had our Conte family celebration that night and they go so many cute fun gifts and we had a great time hanging with family. Christmas Day, my mom had cooked a beautiful breakfast and we opened gifts. The girls must have been really good in these 5 months of life because they got lots of fun presents. 

 It has truly been the hardest year of our lives, but it has been the BEST year also. It's strange to say that , but having twins is no joke but oh my gosh is it special and sweet. I can't believe the Lord blessed us with not only one miracle, but 2. That is pretty special if you ask me.

       THE GIRLS: Saylor: Say Say is still screaming and screeching all over the place! She is a loud smiley little thing. She has a lot of Butterbean Perry in her, because she never meets a stranger and loves to show off her gummy grin to anyone who pays her attention. Her hands are her new favorite accessory. She CONSTANTLY has them in her mouth and it creates a major drool issue. She has been rolling over since last month but she has stepped up her game this month. If you lay her down, she is on her tummy in a flash. I will never forget the first night that i woke up to look at the video monitor and she had flipped herself on her tummy and was asleep!! I ran in there and made sure she was breathing. She was and ever since then she sleeps on her tummy all the time. Her legs are super strong and she LOVES to stand up with help. It makes her so excited and she will flap her arms and scream out. Her favorites right now are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sofia the First, and Doc McStuffins which we watch while playing in the floor together. 

 Everly: Evie has had a big month. She has officially found her voice and is no longer letting Saylor speak for her. She has such a different personality from Saylor and her voice is just as different. It is very soft and sweet and it almost sounds like she is singing. I promise you it is the sweetest sound you have ever heard. :) She will sit in her carseat and sing the entire way to run errands. I LOVE it. Although Saylor had been rolling, Everly had really not had any interest in trying it until this month. A few weeks ago she started trying but just couldnt get over by herself, well now she has it mastered and is flipping all over the floor. Around this same time, she found her sister and she lays and yells out and coos to her. Sometimes Saylor will speak back, other times she can't be bothered but it is amazing to watch these 2 little babies interacting and loving each other. I pray they are best friends. Ev also loves watching Disney Jr. with her sissy. 

 We started sleep training at 4 months to try and get them to sleep longer and stop eating at night. Well, it took WAY WAY WAY longer than i ever expected, but we have finally made progress after about 2 months. The wins I feel we have had thus far are :
 1. They have learned to tune each other out. Even if one wakes up crying LOUD, the other can usually sleep through it.
 2. We have weaned them from 2 overnight feedings at 10:30pm and 4am. 
 3. They stay in the bed from about 8pm-8am (note i didn't say sleep....they still wake throughout the night a little however, all we do is go in and soothe without picking them up and they are immediately back to sleep.) 
 4. Renan and I have our evenings back. This has been a HUGE help for us to feel like "us" again and not just Mommy and Daddy. We are able to cook, eat, watch TV, whatever! I am SO glad we decided to sleep train. It has truly been the HARDEST thing yet. We had to commit from the beginning that we would be consistent and really stick with what we planned to do. We have had to make sacrifices in our social life and really pick and choose when to be out and when to stay home. Some parents with one baby may not have to be as strict but for us with 2 babies with 2 different personalities and habits, it was crucial for us to do this. Now about halfway through training, I had to have a come to Jesus meeting....literally. I had to have a time of truly handing it over to the Lord and realizing that not matter how much i planned or researched....He still needed to be guiding me. After that things fell into place more...imagine that. Will I ever learn?!? Renan has been a big support on this was imperative that we both believed in what we were doing and made a commitment. He has been supportive of it and never hesitated if I told him we were going to deviate from our plan a little. He was along for the ride and encouraging me along the way. 

 That feels like SO MUCH to cram into one month. We begin an new year babies will turn ONE in this year. Is this some kind of crazy joke?!? I JUST GAVE BIRTH TO THEM!!! It's getting better and better and I am so blessed to be their Mom!

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