Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Whole New World!!!

If I heard one time while I was pregnant, I heard a million times.....Get your rest now!! haha! It was almost a threat from people in a very light jokey tone. Obviously they were implying, that once my precious baby girls arrive, sleep would be hard to come by. I would laugh with them, but in my head I was thinking, "What wimps these people must can't be THAT bad!!" Yeah, if you are a parent and you are laughing with me right now......I deserve it. I truly had NO IDEA how much life would change and how HECTIC it would be with twins. Before I get deeper into this, let me say that I absolutely LOVE these girls. Like a serious love that I didnt even know I was capable of feeling. ......But now let's get to real life. Now the first night home, we were ready.....or so we thought. See, the entire 2 weeks the girls were in the NICU, I had been setting my alarm for every 3 hours to get up and pump so I could deliver milk to them each day. I just naturally assumed it would be pretty similar to have them home with us at night.....NOT EVEN CLOSE. We set them up in our room in our double bassinet Pack and Play on my side of the bed. I might have slept 2 hours that night....every grunt, hiccup, or deep breath had me wide awake. They were on a good schedule from being in the NICU of eating every 3 hours so in addition to the new noises, we were also going back and forth to the kitchen to make and warm bottles. I continued to pump in addition to nursing them during the day so that Renan could share in the nighttime duties and the girls could have bottles. My hope was to be able to tandem nurse them during the day.

 Yeah, that above text....i wrote that FOUR MONTHS AGO!!! Our life has literally been nonstop and I will admit VERY difficult. So i will catch everyone up....I did want to nurse, but once i got home from the NICU, having both of these little girls was literally sucking the life out of me. I loved the bond of nursing but my supply was really low and i was killing myself trying to keep up with them. I was trying to pump after nursing so i could have bottles for at night and it was exhausting. I woke up one morning with what felt like rocks in my left breast. Renan was off work that day at home with us but he was sleeping and so were the girls so I called my mother. I cried my eyes out and she said, Do you want me to come over? um....YES! At her insistence, i called the Lactation consultant and she told me to get in a hot shower, and firmly massage the blocked milk duct (aka, the rocks) Well i did and it was everything i could do not to scream out in pain. HORRIBLE. Then she told me to put the girls to my breast and have my mom massage it at the same time. So there we sat with Everly nursing and my mother pushing on my boob to try to relieve the duct. I just cried. The amount of modesty you lose after babies is staggering! So after that exhausting and tear filled day, my mom insisted that Renan and I go out to dinner that night and they would come stay with the babies. Now it was only 5 days since we had been home with them from the NICU and i remember crying to her saying, it hasnt even been a week and i already need a break?!? I felt guilty but she said GO! Thank God for her. We went out and just reconnected. We so needed it. We went to target that night and went to the formula aisle. After doing some research and cost analysis, we decided to start seriously praying about switching to formula because i was just so miserable trying to keep up nursing them both. I was thankful to have his support and that began the process. We have had lots of date nights since then. Love the support and help of our family. The next Sunday, we took the girls to church and i was in the process of drying my milk up which was a peach of a time, let me tell you. I saw our friend Gina and Chris Dorough who had their baby Ben 2 days before the girls. After church she messaged me on FB and said, Not sure how nursing is going but the Lord brought you to my mind this morning. I have a surplus of milk and i would love to donate it to the girls if you are interested." Seriously?!? I couldn't believe how the Lord used her to ease my mind about giving up Breastfeeding the girls. She gave me her first batch of 300 oz of milk and i was able to slowly transition them to formula instead of just switching all at one time.

 They still now, 4 months later are still getting one bottle of breast milk a day and I have TONS in the freezer. What a blessing Gina is to us by providing my girls with the best of the best. She TRULY has a servants heart. So on we go and as we started the formula, we started the SCREAMING while eating. All. the. time. It was so exhausting and mind numbing to have hungry babies that screamed while they ate. The doctor mentioned reflux and I personally think colic as well. They would toot and spit up and cry. I probably called the doctor 25 times those first 4 weeks they were home. I just couldnt get relief for them and i was at my wits end. This was around the time Renan went back to work also so I was alone with them alot. 
Try having 2 of these screaming at you for hours on end!!! 

 It was probably about 3 months that i really started to see improvements....they no longer cried while eating and would SUCK down a bottle. We are even able to be off all the reflux meds now and they are doing great. Still tooting though. They get that from Daddy. haha! One thing that i did from the beginning was get out of the house with them. I HATE being cooped up in the house so i knew for my sanity I had to take them places. Our first trip was to the Galleria with Mom. It went great with the exception of Saylor SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER on the way out the door. She was done. We went the next week too. After that we went everywhere! I take them to target, we go shopping at the promenade, we go to Mom's all the time, you name it!! I have even taken them out to eat lots too. Del Toro is their favorite. They are usually pretty good once we get somewhere......but riding in the car with them. UGH. They hate the car seats and they will loudly let me know that. Bless them. 

 Ren and I have even left them overnight when we went to the beach at 8 weeks! it was SO needed and i felt like a new mom when I got home. I have even had 2 overnight work trips of 2 nights each and Renan has ROCKED it at home by himself with them. However please don't forget that i am with them for 24 hours straight every 2 days.....just needed to throw that out there!! haha Seriously though he is an amazing Daddy. Very hands on and doesnt hesitate to take charge and do whatever he needs to for these gals. 

 However, Renan and Nicole, the husband and wife have had some trying times. The first 5 years of our marriage were awesome. We rarely fought and if we did we were really good about hashing it out and getting over it quickly. My biggest fear about having kids was that our relationship would change and I did NOT want that to happen. I loved us and we had grown SO much in our relationship with each other and the Lord. Well let me tell you right now. THINGS WILL CHANGE. At least they have for us and I have had a very hard time adjusting. About a month ago when i finally came up for air, i realized that i felt like I was missing being his WIFE. I was the Mama and he was the Daddy, but we werent being good Husband and wife. It took several intense conversations in which i wondered if we would ever come to a place where we were both understand the other one. We decided to really give this one to the Lord and work each day to grow closer to Him so that in turn we would grow closer to each other. We have started a devotional and praying together at night. It's nothing ground breaking and there are still days that it's a struggle, but i have to realize....our world was just turned UPSIDE DOWN and there will be a period of adjustment. We are letting the Lord lead us and making sure that we put each other first. Daily choices but my gosh, i love that man with all my heart. I could not imagine going through this life without his silly sweet self by my side. And he is really cute.

 Ok I think we are semi caught up. I still look back at pictures of the first month at home with them and i dont remember it. Isn't that crazy?!? I do not remember them being so tiny. But they were and now they are little 13lb chunks and they are growing at warp speed. I love them and their little smiles SO MUCH. Their laughs warm my heart in a way i cant explain and it literally brings tears to my eyes. I have no idea how they are 4 months old, but they are.....and it's almost Christmas. I am determined to continue blogging on a more regular basis because if the next four months are anything like the first, I wont remember it either!

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