Now that we have hit four months, things seem a little more normal. I am so hesitant to use that word because just as soon as I say that, tomorrow will be completely different! As we ended the third month, our nights were getting a bit easier. At 3 months I began to put rice cereal in their night bottle only and it started them sleeping 5-6 hours through the night. Renan and I thought we were home free!! Sure we had to wake up to put paci's back in or adjust a swaddle blanket, but mostly we were seeing things getting better and better. Yeah, then they turned 4 months. It was like someone flipped a switch on my good sleepers and for about 10 days they went nuts. They wouldn't sleep well at night , waking multiple times and their typical 3 hours naps turned into 30-40 minutes. UGH. I had one night by myself that was so bad, I cried all night long with them. I was such a wreck the next day I called my mom to come stay with me the next solo night. I haven't done that since they were NEWBORNS but I couldn't face another night like that alone. She came and helped out and then thankfully the last couple weeks have slowly started to even out more. We are back to good naps during the day and fairly good sleeping at night. For now that is!!
The cutest thing they have really started this month is yelling and cackling.
They have found their voices and it's the cutest and funniest thing.
Saylor is our Mouth of the South. That girl will smile a BIG toothless open mouth smile and SCREAM at the top of her lungs. She is definitely our squeaky wheel and she thinks that will get her all the attention! She is wide open all the time. It's either ecstatically happy or she wants to burn the house down. haha! She LOVES to sit up like a big girl and will try to pull herself up to a sitting position if you lay her down. She kicks her little legs like she is racing a cheetah and it's the cutest thing ever. Her legs are strong and can stand up with help. She looks just like her Daddy and has the dramatic personality of her Mommy. She is in a size ONE diaper and 3-6 month clothes. My favorite thing about Saylor this month is how she wakes up in the mornings and lets the whole house know that she is up by screaming and laughing at herself. Then when we go in, she just SMILES up at us. Sweet angel, we love you so much.
Everly is our sweet shy little love. She is a little shorter than Say Say and has the most kissable little chubby cheeks. Her voice is quiet and sweet and she loves to just stare and coo at Mommy and Daddy. Ev loves to smile at us too and it's the sweetest little grin you have ever seen. It just looks so genuine. She is much more her Daddy in personality. Generally laid back and quiet....if she does get upset, you know she really means it. I love it because she is looking more and more like Mama. She has a strong neck and loves tummy time but isn't that big on trying to stand up yet like sister. Ev is also in a size ONE diaper and 3-6 month clothes but she is a good bit bigger than Saylor so I'm thinking we will be moving up diaper sizes before sister does. We love our little precious butterball so much.
This month they really started to notice that the other one is there. They have learned to play together on their playmat and they CONSTANTLY are holding hands. Makes my heart burst.
We are still swaddling them to nap and sleep at night because if we do not, naps and sleep are over quickly, however these strong girls have started breaking out of the swaddles so we got some transitional swaddles that have helped a lot!
We also started Sleep Training based on a book called Heathly Sleep Habits, Happy Twins. Basically we let them cry it out for timed intervals and then go in and soothe. We are also trying to wean the one bottle they eat overnight. They weren't bad sleepers, they just would wake up frequently and eventually Ren and I would get so tired of going back and forth that we would bring them in the room with us. That has to stop so we are right in the middle of training. So far it's going well and we have them weaned to taking only 1 oz at 4am.... Other than that they are pretty much sleeping well! It's taken about 1.5 weeks so far. They say twins take longer bc they wake each other up but that is something they have to learn to tune out. Stay tuned for our fun adventures in month 5!!!!
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